Since graduating from Ryerson’s Film Studies program in 2009, and after participating in travels across Canada in the Katimavik program, Nathaniel Fox-Pappas has devoted himself to creating short experimental films. The subject matter of these six films is deeply personal and autobiographical to a certain extent. However, viewers are encouraged to indulge in their own interpretation of the films.
The six films are divided into two sets of three. The first trilogy consists of “Nocturnal Eclipse, “Feral Submission” and Diligent Prodigy”. The second trilogy consists of “Ultrasonic Nativity , “Cortical Equilibrium” and “ Paresis Bloom”. Amongst many of the renown filmmakers, NFP admires are David Lynch, Tim Burton, Quentin Tarantino, Stanely Kubrick and Walt Disney. Traces of their influence might just be detected in these short films.
Personally endorsed by Peter Pearson of Telefilm Canada ; “ I have screened with great interest your three films, each of them recalling for me the thrill of making films. This is my 50th anniversary of starting out , and each of them reminded me of my first efforts” and Susan Huycke of the National Film Board of Canada ; “ I wish you the best of luck and joy in your work , thank you for my visit with you through your films”. Most recently “Paresis Bloom” was accepted and shown at the Bach Modern Experimental Video Art Exhibition in Salzburg, Austria in October/November 2011. In November 2013 NFP’s first documentary feature TAGER (the life and work of Toronto actor/artist Aron Tager) was screened to an enthusiastic audience at the Fox Theatre in Toronto. TAGER was accepted to the TO Independent Film Festival in Toronto,Ontario in September 2014. It won best documentary feature. Paresis Bloom II and Paresis Bloom Part III was accepted and screened at the Venice International Film Festival ArtExpo in late 2014. His most recent second documentary of 2014, THE RADI’AAL ENCOMPASS premiered at The Naval Club in Toronto, Ontario.